God I need you ...

"with God's power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine, to him be the glory "

Ephesians 3:20-21

Saturday, October 1, 2011

... don't get stuck ...

Dear God, 

thanks for reminding me how important it is to not get stuck  ... stuck in a frozen cold heart ... stuck in indifference ... I don't want to be the sad old grumpy lady ... help me to always be open and available ... help me to be the person who takes the time to listen ... help me to be the person that says YES ... 
... cant live without you and your Love ... 

Love ya always




  1. i say yes to stuckness, indifference, grumpy (not so old) ladies. because only when we say yes to them can we melt hearts and say yes to the good stuff. embrace the shadow, cause everything and every one has one. and also there is a time & place for down, slow, dark and sad. honour it all.
    love ya

  2. thanks hon ... you rock ... YES YES YES
